Welcome to BAEC
The Boulder Alcohol Education Center (BAEC) was established on January 1, 1982 by John Gilburt Ph.D., CAC III, Licensed Psychologist and the Late Stan Scott, JD, CAC III, to meet the needs of the community for easily accessible, low cost, professional, substance abuse outpatient evaluation and treatment.
Our objectives were to become one of the first private, locally owned Drinking/Driver Education and Treatment resources. This is still our largest population although we have expanded and diversified our availability to offering community education, training and specialized programs to treat complex and challenging, often dual diagnosis cases on an extended basis.
Stan Scott, was one of the pioneers of providing direct education to substance users in the belief that if people are given accurate and well directed information, so that they understand their problem, they will want to change. Virtually every treatment program now uses this education as a basic component of helping people change. John Gilburt has been the sole director since Stan passed away in 1986. John has always believed that excellence and integrity in BAEC's programs could only be achieved through high quality staff with thorough training, experience, and a sincere desire to serve and help those with painful, debilitating problems (see BAEC Staff.)
Our philosophy has always been that each person must take responsibility for their destructive or negative behaviors, commit to a plan and begin to make changes directly to those behaviors. In addition, each of us must learn as much as possible about the dynamics, sources and evolution of our problem behaviors so as to better understand and maintain the behavior changes. This works. Over the past 42 years we have treated thousands of clients and are acknowledge by the community, professional colleagues and The State of Colorado as one of the most effective programs.
Additionally, we believe that all people deserve to be treated with privacy, respect and dignity. We have experience in many, varied therapeutic modalities and while we follow state guidelines and regulations under our licenses, cooperate and support expectations of community judicial authorities completely, our approach is that the person comes first and their needs are what determine their program. Responding to these needs with expertise, compassion and integrity is why we are successful. We are one of the largest private outpatient programs of this type in Colorado. Clients come to us from all over the state and beyond.
BAEC is licensed as an Outpatient Treatment Program with subspecialties in Level II Education and Therapy by the Colorado Dept. Of Behavioral Health, formerly the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division of the Colorado Dept. Of Human Services, (License # 1111-00.) We welcome your emails and phone questions. We are located close to the main bus terminal in downtown Boulder. 3300 Arapahoe Ave #207, Boulder, CO 80303.
All our services are conducted online via Zoom.
Our services include:
Offender Education & Treatment (Non-DUI)
Interlock Enhancement Counseling (IEC).
Relapse Prevention
Minor in Possession (MIP) and Underage Substance Abuse groups
Marijuana Treatment Program
University Students Evaluation Intervention and Treatment
Evaluations for Court, Custody, Professional Licensing, Employment, etc.
Expert Consultation & Testimony
BAEC's MIP School Program
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Individual Counseling
Family Support Program for Substance Users
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Evaluations
We can help you complete your court requirements or provide treatment for those struggling to overcome alcohol and or drug abuse. Call or email us to get started. Initial phone consultations are always free.
Classes and Programs: 303-444-6142