Contact and Directions to the BAEC
Boulder Alcohol Education Center, Inc.
1525 Spruce St., #100 (Lab at #101)
Boulder, CO 80302
(We are located two blocks from the main bus terminal in downtown Boulder, one block off the Pearl Street Mall, on Spruce Street between 15th and 16th streets.)
Phone 303-444-6142
Fax 303-444-6177
Education Center Office hours:
Monday through Friday 10am to 5pm.
Please call for an appointment or for class registration.
Monitoring/Testing lab hours:
BAEC Monitoring and Testing Center:
Phone: 303-444-6143 Fax: 303-444-6177
Call for Colors 303-444-6143 4am-7pm
Daily Lab Testing Hours: Monday - Friday 2:30pm - 6:30pm